Are you weary of explaining a sponsorship revenue gap to your board?
Are you sending the same worn-out old proposal to every sponsor?
You know
that proposal thats been patched together from sections out of the last seven proposals that didnt get funded.
If so, youre in trouble again this year.
The choice is yours.
You can start to warm up your leftover 2015 excuses, or
TRANSFORM your sponsorship proposal!
And start a revenue generating machine that replaces the scramble to cut and paste a proposal to meet a looming deadline.
Join us for a FREE training webinar on how to transform your sponsorship proposal into a shooting star that makes you memorable, fascinating, and, most importantly, funded.
In this LIVE ONLINE TRAINING, youll learn:
The kind of story that will capture your sponsors imagination and charm them into funding you over the competition
How to come off like a polished pro in a room full of intimidating executives
Words you MUST avoid using in your proposal
Weve created a handy SPONSORSHIP TRANSFORMATION BLUEPRINT to use during this training.
You must attend LIVE there will be no replays!
Im offering two different times.
Tuesday, February 16th at 2pm ET
Thursday, February 18th at 10am ET
Picture yourself proud and confident to hit the send button on your next proposal instead of hoping for the best, and sign up for one of the two FREE LIVE TRAININGS.
– Rachel Armbruster